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Date:Fri, 17 Nov 2023 23:58:00 GMT

Crabtraps and Fish

It was a busy day but we have fish for dinner!

    To start the day I decided to check and possibly move the anchor. We have been watching this crab trap for several days and I was afraid it was tangled on the Anchor and of course it was. So as we pulled up the anchor the crab trap was wrapped around the chain. It was a very old trap with barnacles all over it and nothing in it. In fact there were so many barnacles that there was no way for anything to get in the trap. So we cut it free and re-anchored. I feel much relived knowing it's not going to get tangled in the prop or something.
Crab Traps don't belong on anchors

    Then Sam and I went to get 150 more gal of water from the town dock. while we were there we met some folks who's fishing boat was against the dock and the engine wouldn't start. So I helped them find what was wrong. As it turns out it was just a broken wire. But they were very thankful and so after they returned from fishing they gave us three speckled trout and a whiting! So Hannah and I spent the evening cleaning the fish and now they are cooking in the oven!
We're going to eat good tonight
I think there's going to be leftovers!

    Lilah is funny she wanted to smell the fish but doesn't know what to do with them. Even the fish heads she doesn't know what to do with. So I think tomorrow we are going to make fish head soup/stew. We talked with Hannah's father about how to cook them and flillet them. I've never had speckled trout so this will be a treat.

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