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Date:Tue, 14 Nov 2023 23:43:07 GMT

Too long on the Generator

This is why I don't program anymore

    So, today I spent probably 8 hours programming and obsessed with making things work right. I was working on a system to remotely add blog posts even when I am off shore with a very tenuous slow link. So I wanted to send minimal data in a very particular format, securely, and have it post to the blog. The problem is that I spent all day on the generator doing it and ignored the rest of everything that needed to be done on the boat. I probably wrote somewhere around 3000 lines of code and I think it was well done, but I get so focused that I ignore everything else. I found that long term this did not make me happy so I had to figure out something else to do. The answer was that I went back to flying, only coding when I wanted to and when it was fun or in my free time. Otherwise years passed and I was barely aware of the outside world.

     We did get water today from the dock. We were down to 75 Gal and now we're back over 100 but we will need to get water more often to re-fill the tanks to 200 gallons. We also did wash and dried wash and Hannah made sword fish leftovers from the two steaks we didn't eat yesterday. We always try to deal with leftovers quickly so as not to take up too much room in the Freezer. And oh my!, Lilah loves swordfish! so we had to share with her as well after all she is part of the family. She's sleeping happily now on one of our grey arm chairs that we keep outside on the deck.

     The anchorage here is really strange on the river. We are near a bend in the river and there is actually a little vortex here and so we dance around alot. I think we're going to move to a different location because the movement is just too unpredictable and we have moved at times too close to other boats. Also the water here is 25 feet deep so we need 150 feet of rhode as a minimum in this current and wind. If I move a little farther away then we will be in 7-10 feet and it will be better. Also there is an old crab trap here and I'm pretty sure the chain is wrapped around it. We're going to have to cut it free when we move.

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