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Date:Sat, 11 Nov 2023 19:55:00 GMT

Going Ashore

Finding old friends and meeting new
     Yesterday we spent a quiet day on the boat and I worked on the web site. I wanted to get the rss feed working correctly and updated. This meant reformating all the old posts. I wrote 1/2 dozen scripts to do it with sed. I continued that this morning till about 9am.
     We got in the Dinghy to go ashore to the Saturday market to get produced and whatever else we could find and got caught by our new neighbors, Judy and Chris and their dog Keleb. We love meeting new people. Then we went ashore to the waterfront pavilion and there was nobody there. Dissapointed, we decided to just go for a walk
Hannah and I love old Cemeteries
Spanish Moss is everywhere in St. Mary's
and Mom and Sam went to the park to hang out. Well, about 4 blocks down the road later we found the Saturday market in a different location. So we got eggs, fruit, sweet potatoes, squash and cookies. We saw a several folks that we knew from last year, and that was fun. Then we found a new stand that had freeze dried candy! I've never seen that before but it was really fun! The candy puffs up like breakfast cereal but tastes like the original candy.
     We sat on the waterfront swings for an hour or so and then came back to
Hannah and Steve sitting on a swing at the waterfront park
the boat for peanut butter and jelly sandwiches on home made bread (grilled!) and now I'm finishing an update to the web site. Sam and I are also working on a few videos for the youtube channel.
Sunset at St. Mary's Georgia

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