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Date: Sat, 27 May 2023 03:38:00 GMT

Road Trip

Finally moving forward

     Thursday we drove a rental car to Ft. Lauderdale to US Metals to have them fix the exhaust. We got all the pipe out and the muffler. When we dropped the system off at the workshop they said no problem and were very confident they could do it for us. hopefully in 2-3 weeks we will have a new exhaust system made from Copper Nickle! I have the last parts for the engine on order so we can ship it off to the machine shop to have the head re built. The plan at this point is to be ready to head north by the end of June so we can get on the hard for bottom paint in July.

     On Wednesday evening the boat next to us was struck with lightning and the one on W1 was hit as well. This is twice in less than a month hitting the same point. Very scary...

     I have received the "lab metal" so I can start fixing the heat exchanger. I hope it works. We will find out. I will try it tomorrow.

     I have picked up corn hole and have been playing with the other boaters twice a week. I never thought I would like it but it's addicting and fun.

     My mother's arm is getting better and she can get on and off the boat now with barely any assistance. She still wears the brace sometimes but it is a lot better. I'm pretty sure that by the time we are ready to leave she will be ready to travel as well. I like it here but we are ready to move on to our next adventure.

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