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Date: Tue, 23 May 2023 02:46:00 GMT

Paint and Rain

Dinghy ride in the rain

     Today I got a call on the radio that a boat in the harbor needed help so I joined 2 other boats to go tow them into the harber to their ball but it was raining cats and dogs so I got soaked. He had a fuel leak and his bilge was full of fuel so he didn't want to run the engine till he cleaned it out but he needed to get of the fuel dock so we tied up on both sides and pulled him back into the harbor and to his ball.

     I spent the rest of the day cleaning, degreasing, and painting the engine and the heat exchanger.

     Bobcat metal works can weld the copper nickel just fine but he doesn't have a pipe bender for 2 inch pipe so We're going to have to figure something out... not sure yet what that means.

     It's pouring rain out right now and it's hot and humid on the boat... we're quite miserable, but we're having beans rice and cabbage and carrots.

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