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Date: Sun, 21 May 2023 14:05:00 GMT

Rain is here

Open Hatches

     This week has been long and hot with the weather changing to the rainy season. So pop up thunderstorms are the rule. It seemed like it rained almost every day last week. Several boats in the harbor had their hatches open and were completely soaked! We were lucky. Hannah was on the boat when it started raining and though it was just sprinkling at the boat it was gushing at the marina so I called her and she got them closed before it dumped on us.

     We did have the opportunity to chase the leak in the forward head by the water fill. Trying to find where the water is coming from, Sam and I took apart the forward hatch. That is not where the water is coming from. We did get to see the original teak however. It was amazing. And it shows how much we have lost and how thick it was originally. It looks like it was 1 inch thick an we have lost only abouty 1/4th inch. This is good news. That being said, the forward hatch had several missing and broken screws, which of course we replaced. It took us about 2 hours to fill the stripped holes with epoxy and string before putting new screws in.

     Saturday night we had movie night at the the upper Tiki and watched Men in Black. Not many folks were there but it was a fun evening. Friday was Happy hour and we met some new friends, It was a fun evening. We did our Tortilla Sushi again and it went quickly.

     With regard to the engine and exhaust in the continuing saga, We have received the rebuild kit for the head. We also have questions in to Beta Marine as to whether we can use their heat exchanger as the one we have we are told could not be fixed. The exhaust does have a confirmed leak in section 2 and more above that so we are removing each piece one at a time. We received the test copper nickle pipe to see if Bobcat welding can make it out of that material. I'm hopeful, but it's not going to be cheap.

     We are, of course, quite worried about hurricane season as we don't have a functional engine. The current plan is to sail away without the engine and get out of it's way, but that is difficult, because you can never quite tell where it's going.

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