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Date: Tue, 16 May 2023 02:18:00 GMT


Tiki and Friends

     So Sunday, we went to Porky's for mother's day with Moral Compass and R and J from Skylark. It's an open air Tiki with really great food. And there was a Saxiphone player doing old jazz toons. We stayed around talking after dinner for nearly 45 min just listening to the music and hanging with friends. Saturday we went with Suprise to see Mother Ocean in Key Largo but it was closed so we went to a marine thrift store and I got an old gas can. In the evening we watched a movie at the upper tiki set up by Mango Sky. We watched The lost city of D. Today we played cornhole with friends and ordered the parts for the head. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the exhaust and it's kinda driving me crazy doing the re-design and trying to figure out how to work it out. I really like the original design but I'm thinking there must be a way to have a newer water lift type exhaust and it would be a LOT cheaper by thousands of dollars if I can figure it out.

     I know it sounds like all we do is work on the boat and there is some truth to that but we also spend a lot of time with friend just hanging out and talking, listening to music, and eating. It's a slow island kinda life here and if you get in a hurry you miss the beautiful sunsets, the Conch shells blowing, and announcing the sunset. And some of the most wonderful people. We are making life long friends which is new to us as we were formerly almost hermits by comparison.

     Now we are back at the boat and running the generator as Hannah is making a late dinner. I use the generator time to update the website and check email. To keep the batteries charged we need to run the Generator about 2 hours a day. After dinner we we will be heading to bed because last night was a long late night for me talking to friends about some serious topics related to the current state of the world. There are times that we are afraid of what may be coming. The world is so unstable right now with wars, economic upheavel, and politics. This is a little oasis in the middle of a very crazy world and we like it here very very much.

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