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Date: Tue, 21 Mar 2023 13:50:00 GMT

Clean up

Cleaning up Boot Key Harbor and a busy week.

     Last Saturday the 18th we helped clean up he Mangroves where the tides and winds have lodged all kinds of trash in their roots. We pulled out several bags of trash and a couple buckets and a mattress. We had to tow the matress to shore. We tied a rope around it and pulled it with our poor little dingy at about 1/2 knot. We had to go about a mile and by the time we got there the rope was about 1 inch from pulling of the matress. Afterwards there was a gift give away with lots of advertising and gift cards from the local community from resturants and the like. It was a lot of fun Ryan from Intreped organized it. I guess it happens every year. But it was a long hot day with a fun ending. We got a gift certificate to Burdines down harbor a little bit.
     Sunday was a very stormy day with winds reaching 29 knots and lots and lots of rain. I have now identified more caulking to re-do becuase of little water leaks on the outside. So this morning I pulled out some of the offending caulking so it can dry out.
     Yesterday I bought a used Victron 100/30 from Ryan and tried to get it hooked up. It's not charging and I'm not sure why but I think it has to do with the batteries because I have not been able to get anything to charge. I'm really pulling my hair out (Literally because I keep catching my hair on the screws on the top of the aft lazzerette where I'm doing boat yoga to put it in). It's quite frustrating because this should be pretty simple but it's not working. I have tried 3 different solar chargers now and none of them work. I think it's the batteries perhaps being nearly full? I'm not sure. I suppose it's possible to have 3 bad chargers but that's a pretty big stretch.
     The month is flying by and we need to be ready to go but our exhaust elbow is not in yet and I'm getting worried about it. The guy supposedly working on a temp fix for me is not contacting me back. I need to get it going soon or we'll be here for the summer.

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