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Date: Mon, 6 Mar 2023 02:48:00 GMT


Mom Breaks her wrist.

     So Thursday evening March 2nd Mom tripped and fell on the concrete. She was walking across the deck where the tables were above the TIKI here in Marathon and broke her wrist. Brad came over that evening at about 21:30 and wrapped it. Then Friday morning we went to the ER and had it x-rayed... well it's broke alright and so they refered her to an orthepedic who happened to be in town this Friday and she put it in a cast and said to see her next week. It'll probably be 6 weeks to 2 months to heal and we're not going to sail when she can't hold on to anything so we got a mooring ball. We moved on to it the 5th. We're on W3.
Mom's Cast

     We had to motor over but the exhaust is leaking terribly so I wrapped it in aluminum flashing and used a hose clamp to hold it in place. It still leaks but not as bad. We got the mooring ball just as smooth as if we'd done it a hundred times.
     Sam and I finally figured out how the swim ladder works and we did a little video about it yesterday. We'll post it when we're done with it. But one person can pull it up and put it down now. I knew that it was not correct back there on the stern to be carried around all the time.
     Tonight we went to Barnacle Barnie's again to listen to Mike sing and talk with our friends. We were there for about 4 hours and had dinner. The poor waitresses and kitchen staff were sooo overworked. But the food is pretty good there and the atmosphere on the beach is wonderful. Good music, good friends, good food... oh my! Now it's time for bed... OH... a few days ago we saw a comet in the south western sky... turns out it was very large and could have done a lot of damage. I'm still trying to find out how close it was.

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