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Date: Sun, 18 Jun 2023 02:10:00 GMT


Nothing happens on schedule.

     I guess this is just a status. The cylinder head is completed and we drove up to picke it up from Ft. Myers. Lomont's did a wonderful job and we have it all back together now but I'm waiting on new tappets and push rods. I have one cracked tappet and one bent push rod. But of course I didn't find that till the day I tried to clean up the block and put on the new head gasket. I checked with US Metal Fabricators and the parts were in Alabama as of Thursday afternoon. I hope they arrive Monday, The injectors tested bad and I need new tips to rebuild them so those are on order as well. On a good note it's a wonderful place to be stuck, but it's very hot now and muggy. Temprature in the boat is running in the high 80's every day.

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