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Date: Sun, 4 Jun 2023 17:52:00 GMT


Don't open coconuts floating on the water....

     Today Sam and I undertook to open one of the coconuts we found floating on the water. We could hear the liquid inside and figured it was good. After much fighting with it we got it opened. It was not as easy as in Belize with a machette. After getting the husk off I hit it with a large screwdriver several times till it cracked open. NASTY! all cottage cheese like and nasty smelling. Note to self: Coconuts floating in the mangroves could be years old.

     The last week was fairly slow. Several of our friends have left to go north and we will miss them till next season. I have picked up playing corn hole and I'm trying to be less of a hermit.

     We are trying to plan the next month and our hope is to be in Oriental by the middle of July. It is beginning to look like that is possible. The engine is coming along and we take the head to the machine shop tomorrow morning. The exhaust is being worked on and is going to be expensive but at least it will be complete. I have been working on other small projects like re-setting the front hatch and getting bolts and fittings together to mount the ladder on the starboard side as well as the port. In doing that we found that the starboard side stantions are bent. That is why it doesn't fit correctly. But I put an offset at the top bolt using a 1/2 inch drive 15mm socket. It looks like it was designed that way and works. Eventually we will need to heat up and re-bend those stantions straight.

     Mom's wrist is improving every day now and she can get on the boat by herself again. Hannah is stocking up and preparing for the trip north and we are trying to keep everything ship shape even though it appears that we are going to be here or another month. We're becoming fairly worried about storms and hurricane season. The locals say we should not worry so much. hmmmmm

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