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Date: Fri, 28 Jul 2023 02:28:00 GMT


More broke stuff!

     This morning I was going through things getting ready to get underway and the engine didn't start! scared me... but it was just a loose wire on the alternator. Then I noticed a raw water leak. It was a loose bolt on the raw water stack in the heat exchanger. Then I started going through the navionics and chart plotters only to find out that the rudder position indicator was not working. I'm betting that a near by lightning strike took out the rudder. So now the autopilot does not work and the sea temprature is showing 125F. That's a little hotter than is likely. Typical pain tolerance is about 106-108 and the water has been 101 which is hot tub temprature.

     We spent the day today cleaning up and clearing the decks. I had two storage bins I purchased for putting engine pieces in and I filled them with trash and took them to the dumpster. I think we're pretty close to sailing but I'm going to need to order a rudder position sensor.

     Tonight we had beans and rice and tortillias for dinner and we had friends over who are helping us with various things. It'll be an early day tomorrow so we are going to bed early.

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