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Date: Thu, 27 Jul 2023 01:31:00 GMT

Exhaust Finished!

We are able to move again!

     Well the big news today folks is that the engine is running and the exhaust is finished. This has been a very long haul but it's finally done. I went with Anamashi to US Metal Fabricators Inc in Dania Beach and picked up the final weld. Overall they did fabulous work! They mirrored the original system and hit it within 1/2 inch on the initial run. We went back for a couple adjustments on piece #4 and now it is all together and working. I tried many places to get it right and no one wanted to do it or wanted to shortcut the design. These people helped me improve things with better water flow but did not change the overall design. Even with increasing the size of the water jacket the rolls and bends were perfect. The welds on the water jacket are absolutely professional and I'm sure when I finally sell this boat the exhaust will continue for another 50 years. After we mounted the final piece (#4) I started the engine and she started right up. I was worried it wasn't producing water and then remembered I hadn't opened the raw water seacock. After I opened it, there was a delay as the exhaust filled with water. Then the water started pouring out. After about 10 min the motor overheated and my heart dropped when the alarm sounded! I turned off the engine, let it cool and opened the coolant cap. The coolant was low. It hadn't run long enough before for the thermostat to open. So I put more coolant in it (about a quart and a half) Then we started it up again. After about 10 minutes it overheated again and the alarm went off...then before I could go turn it off the temp started dropping and stabilized about 130deg. I'm pretty sure it was air pockets that needed to fill with coolant. Then I went to inspect the exhaust and saw blackwater condensation and diesel smoke coming out of the last weld. So, I got a big pipe wrench and after a little vibration it tightened another full rotation and the flow of exhaust gas stopped. Oh My! how wonderful it sounds to have that diesel running properly! It sounds so much better! no diesel rattle and tick tacking. Everything smooth and quiet. We are so excited!

     As I went with the Dinghy to drop Anamashi back at the Tiki and pick up Hannah, Wanda, and Sam the sky started darkening and storms rolled in. I took Mom and Sam back first and then came back for Hannah and the laundry and shopping and we rode back in the cool rain enjoying the nice break from the heat. All the laundry was in plastic bags so it didn't get wet.

     Now we are eating Beans and Rice and relaxing. We will probably celebrate with friends after the storm abates. I'm so glad that we could accomplish this here and that it didn't fail on is in another country or underway. We now have a lot more confidence in the motor and generator both of which are running properly and cleanly now. I will be updating our maintenance list tonight and it's becoming much shorter. I have a spreadsheet with all the work we have done and when how and who etc. This engine and exhaust project was largely done by Sam and he's becoming very good with boat maintenace, even major projects. Time to sign off now and celebrate! Good night all.

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