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Date: Thu, 6 Jul 2023 13:50:00 GMT

Preparing to sail

As soon as the exhaust is finished.

     We've been spending the last few days preparing the boat for the journey north. It's difficult to maintain the boat in ready to sail mode for long periods when we're just here and anchor so things kinda fell apart. But everything has a home and we're putting everything in it's home and finding new homes for things. We're also updating our inventory planning travel food and meals as well as completing the last few small maintenance tasks.

     We are also spending time with friends and making sure we have everyone's contact information so we can stay in touch. There are so many people we have met here that will be long term friends! This is an amazing harbor and full of some very fine people. I'm not sure there is any where else on the east coast where you can just leave your boat unlocked, leave stuff in your dinghy, or leave it unlocked as well... day in day out In the last months we've been here no one has ever had anything stolen what we are aware of. Everyone polices themselves and the community is amazing.

     For projects Sam is still steadly brushing the teak and polishing the stainless. We are reparing spare pumps, organizing tools, getting fuel and water for the trip and having our bottom cleaned. I'm still having problems with the ships clock. It stops sometimes. I've had it apart a couple of times and can't figure out why it is hanging up. We also cleaned out the refrigerator and hosed it out to defrost it. I moved the temprature sending unit for the thermostat and it appears to be keeping up with the tempratures.

     It's very hot and Surprise lent us an airconditioner. We tried it one day and it works kinda. It's too small but we need to run the generator 24x7 to make it work and I'm not sure we want to do that. Yesterday was the hottest in the nation here with a heat index of 114. It's hot again today and I think we might put it up. It stays about 90deg in the boat and there's usually just enough wind to make it bearable. I'm amazed at the airflow in this boat. The canvas over the boat makes it much more livable but the water temp is 90+ deg so it's hard to keep anything cool. Mom and Sam spend most of the day at the marina.

     Sam is trying to catch up on videos so please be patient we will get them out. We're trying to maintain 1 video a week but that may not be enough.

     Yesterday Monica and Arynn let mom play their piano on their boat. It was lots of fun! We have been investigating how to get our piano on the boat but we havent found a place to store it yet. This is an ongoing project however.

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