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Date: Mon, 3 Jul 2023 16:56:00 GMT

Rainbows and Unicorns

Wait... didn't I mean rainbows and work?

     Hi all, the 4th is approaching and over the last week or so we've had some really hot but beautiful weather. So here's a couple pictures:
Double rainbow after a storm
Amazing sunset last night

We also have completed the install of the new cylinder head on the engine and are waiting on the exhaust. Here is a picture of the cylinder head just before we started torqing down the headbolts.

Then to top off everything the iCom radio decided to quit so I had to replace it with our spare radio. It is under warranty but it's just one more thing to happen as we try to head north.
iCom back to B&G!
There are some things you just want to have a backup for... a spare radio is always important.
but there is always another sunset! oh my I love this place.
Wide angle sunset from our Dinghy on the way back to the boat

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