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Date: Tue, 17 Jan 2023 00:21:00 GMT

Marathon 1

Arrived Marathon at Sunset!

     Hi!! We're in Marathon! We arrived today at sunset. It was another beautiful sail in the morning with an afternoon of no wind. We weighed anchor at 8am and started sailing heading 230. The wind was 7-10 knots out of the north west and we were on a reach or broad reach all morning at about 4 1/2-5 knots. The seas were calm and the sky was clear. It was a little chilly in the morning in the low 60's but in the afternoon it was very pleasent in the lower 70's. We put up all the sails and had a wonderful day! Around 1400 local the wind started to calm down to 4-5 knots so we put in the sails and started motoring. At around 16:30 it picked up again but we didn't feel like sailing by that time and we were near the anchorage so it wasn't worth it for just an hour.
Boot Cay Anchorage 1

Boot Cay Anchorage 2

There were about 10-12 boats anchored outsie the harbor and after entering I know why. The channel is only 8 feet at high tide and very narrow. Also once inside there ware a hundreds of sailboats and the anchorage is very crowded. I think I found the last spot available. But we're here and safe and it's very peaceful. The trawler next to us came out to ask where we were in from and say hello. We're in 9 feet of water with 30 feet of chain out. I couldn't let out much more because of how tight everyone is.

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