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Date:Sun, 15 Jan 2023 23:32:00 GMT

Key Largo

Anchorage at Rodriguez Key

     This morning we got up at 05:30 planning to leave Coconut Grove by 0600 but it was cold and dark and we waited till 0700. We motored out past stilts-ville and turned south. Hannah gave us warm wheat berries that had been in the thermos all night. We had about 10g12 out of the North and we made good time till about 1400. Most of the way we managed 4 1/2- 6 knots and then around 1400 the wind died. Lunch was Pasta salad and then we turned on the motor and ran 5 1/2 knots the rest of the way. Skies were clear and a little chilly till afternoon starting out in the 40's but by afternoon it was in the 60's. The seas were about 1-2 feet and we put up all the sails.
     I decided to try the Drone since it was a really easy day with not much wind but oh my... it is really hard to fly the drone from a moving platform. For that matter it's difficult to even take off. I broke the first blade just taking off... then I had Sam hold it up and I took off from his hand and I still almost hit the sails. Once I was in the air it was easy and I got some very nice footage of Grace under sail, but then when I wanted to land things got really dicey. Trying to line up the drone with Sam, and flying reversed and with the boat rocking it was nigh to impossible. I know people do it but this was much much harder than I thought it would be. I opted to try and have Sam grab it out of the air but when trying to get close to him I got all dis-com-bobulated and crashed onto the mizzen mast and life lines. I tore up all 4 blades but the drone is fine. Thank heavens! I was sure it was going to go overboad. I don't think it's going to be something I try again soon...
     Round about sunset we made it to Rodgiguez key and anchored on the north west side of the island. It's a nice anchorage. We are in 9 feet of water. The charts are not very accurate. Evidently the shoals change a lot so I scouted it out and made several passes to get good depths. Now, Hannah is making dinner and we are going to relax for the evening. In the morning we will be off to Marathon for another 10-12 hour day. Ciao! The boat next to us in the anchorage is flying a flag with a martini on it... too funny.
Rodriguez Anchorage

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