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Date: Wed 7 Jan 2023 22:46:00 GMT

150 years of the Grove

Free Cake!

     Yesterday Morning we got on the trolley/bus at the town hall and rode to Little Havanna. We got a long tour of Miami as we rode there. We got off the trolly a little early and walked for about a mile through town. It was very poor. There were gang signs everywhere and lots of bars on the windows. When we arrived at the tourist area things cleaned up a little but you could tell it was still poor. We ate lunch at a mexican resturant quite a way down 8th street. Then we walked back to the trolley about 4pm. We went shopping in a little local store. They made us give them our backpacks before shopping. They had a little of everything and the prices were more reasonable.

     Yesterday evening we went to the 150th birthday of Coconut Grove. They had actors doing impressions of some of the founding families and people of this area from the Victorian era. Then there were free cupcakes afterwards. It was a wonderful celebration. I'd estimate there were about 200 people there. We enjoyed it. Afterward I went to dinner with mom and Hannah and Sam went for cake/pie at a local bakery.

     Today we went to a Vegan market on Grand Ave that is there every weekend for the last 30 years. It's about 3/4 of a mile from the town dock. The market is huge and there are lots of very cool vendors. Tons of wonderful food, lots of produce, some local some not. We had a Rikki/massage to help Hannah's neck and my elbow/shoulder. We ate tamales for lunch and sampled a lot of very wonderful food. From Falafel to herbal teas and of course Hannah found some really nice coffee. When you come here it's worth going to this market! We spent most of the day here.

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