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Date: Thu, 5 Jan 2023 02:20:00 GMT


We love having guests over!

     This morning Hannah went to the laundromat, Sam went to the library to work on the youtube site, and I did some work on the teak. I started working on the trim. I'm going to use epiphanes on the trim and I'm not sure what to do with the other. I made a brush out of part of an old sheet taped to a stick. Worked great! I patched up the eyebrow and started on the port side trim around the cabin top. The linseed oil is going dark, too dark. It's been several months now but I'm not really happy with it. It looks great till it starts darkening.
     In the afternoon Hannah went shopping and in the evening we had Clay and Dianne, and Brad, Stacey and Karlee over for dinner. We had a wonderful evening and talked and ate till about 9pm. This is what we consider one of the most important parts of cruising; sharing the experience with friends! Now we're relaxing with some lemonade and rum and running the generator to recharge a little bit. We ran all the lights for a long time.
     Just a note about the town dinghy dock here at the Grove, about 75% of the dock space is taken up by derelicts. There is almost always one spot or two but it would be a lot easer if there wern't 1/2 a dozen boats or more full of water and trash, almost sinking, and covered in barnacles. Today we had to use a nearby dock for the marina because there was simply no room to tie up on the town dock.
     This morning I couldn't find my passport ID. I had it yesterday when I went to pick up my new credit card at the Fed Ex office. So bright and early I took the dinghy to retrace my steps. I found it laying on the ground near a parking lot where Sam and I, last night stooped down to see of a fallen coconut was good. At that moment Melodi tried to call me and I put my hand into my pocket and as I pulled out the phone the card must of slipped out. After loosing my wallet last week I was a little frustrated at perhaps loosing another ID... I'm pretty sure the same thing happend to my walled last week.

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