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Date: Mon, 27 Feb 2023 22:55:00 GMT

Exhaust planning

Maintenance day I guess!

     Today Sam and I took the boat apart to detail and document the exhaust system so that we can get estimates for replacing it from a couple different marine exhaust vendors. That meant pictures and measurements of everything. It was a long process. Then I had to make a pdf with drawings and measurements on pictures. While I was doing all that Hannah went Shopping with our neighbors on Moral Compass and then when she returned we ate lunch in the cockpit. It was a good time and a good break after a long morning.
     After lunch we started on the windlass. There was originally a foot switch for the windless and it had been removed and a hand switch put in instead. The handswitch was worn out and would shock you every time you used it. So we replaced it with a foot switch I found in Key West that was the right size and even made in Italy. The only problem is that it is plastic. However, the switch is good so I think I can have a stainless plate made for it. When we got it all hooked up it didn't work. UGH... once again after about an hour of fiddling with it we found another bad ground very near the one we fixed a while back. The cross member under the windless is made from aluminum angle and it has steel bolts going through it so the two types of metals causes corrosion. I cleaned the bolt and put the last drips of my Deoxit on it. I will order new soon.
     The two batteries I ordered from Lion have not shipped yet so I called them to find out why. I guess they were waiting for a re-manufactured unit to be finished for the sale and were out. So they are sending me two new ones for the price of the re-manufactured ones. No complaints. They will be in in about a week.

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