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Date: Sat, 18 Feb 2023 04:07:00 GMT

Good Friends

Enjoying the Harbor

     The last few days we have been charging our new batteries and I'm very pleased with how they are working. We have much more energy than previously and the AGM charger is working Great! It charges them to 100% if I put it on Lead Calcium. It charges to 80%+ if I put it on AGM and that's where I get the longest life.
     I flew the drone to look at Mischief's anchor light! It was a lot of fun. Their boat was moving in the wind so it was difficult to stay focused on just the anchor light with 28x zoom. But all went well. At the end I did a pan circle of their boat.
     Last night was happy hour from 4-6 at the Tiki and the food was amazing. There were more people there than I've seen all month. All four tables were covered in food. Hannah made Cinnamon cookies with purple frosting. There was gumbo, kabobs with shrimp, rice and beans, cake tons of deviled eggs that were spicy! All our new friends were there and it was a wonderful cap to a nice day. In the morning we went with Sweet Escape sailing. They have a lovely Catemaran and I'd never been sailing on one before so that was a ton of fun. We are trying to figure out how to buddy boat with them through the Carribean but we need to get a few things fixed first. Primarily the exhaust.
     This evening we are getting ready for a trip to NC to deal with cars and help out Moral Compass pick up their's. Brad should be gone for just a couple days.
     There are so many wonderful people here. And everyone is helping eachother and friendly and considerate. I've never really seen anything quite like it. This is a really great cruising community. People get stuck here because it's so nice. Who knows we might get stuck here too. It's a great base of operations. We have made a lot of new friends that I hope will last for many years during our time cruising.

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