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Date:Sat, 16 Dec 2023 02:26:00 GMT

The Storm is here...

It's a blustery day

    The last couple of days have been really quite windy; 25g35. But we still needed to get things done like take Lila to the vet as we prepare to got to the Bahamas, Or go to Roland's birthday party at Dockside, or take showers and each time of course we got totally soaked. The waves in the harbor arn't bad, 1-2 feet but in a dingy with 4 people that means we're completely wet by the time we get to shore, even if it's not raining. But of course by the time we get 1/2 way there it's raining too.

    This prompted us today to tag along with a friend to Key West and pick up dry bags for everyone and of course paper charts for the Bahamas and the Virigin Islands.

    Yesterday we took Lila to the vet. She was in her carrier with Hannah trying to protect her from the waves with her jacket. Poor cat was being so brave. By the time we got to the vet I think she was just too tired to even hiss. She got her shots and a chip which are required for the Bahamas and then we came back home again in the boat. The minute we got back on board she went into her box.
Lila in her box tired but keeping watch

    This morning Sam and I got up and removed the secondary anchor because tonight the winds are going to clock around a full 360 degrees and we didn't want to tangle the anchors. Also, the wind has subsided a little so I'm not as worried about dragging. The winds were supposed to be up to 45 but they never really got there. It was quite the chore pulling it up by hand. We had to add more chain to the main anchor so we could pull the boat over the secondary fortress and pull it up with the rope windlass and then the last 30 feet by hand. It's on the deck now but it started to rain so we ran below before we got drenched.
Pulling up the second anchor

    This afternoon we took the dinghy over again getting totally soaked and then went back a second time to pick up some friends who needed to go to Key West. Hannah and I went with them while Sam and Wanda stayed at the marina office and went to Friday Happy Hour to visit. We made it back to the boat safe and mostly dry and Hannah made shortbread and beans and rice for dinner. Now warm and dry with a full belly it's time for bed! Night Night all!

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