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Date:Wed, 13 Dec 2023 03:19:00 GMT

A Storm is almost here...

Putting out a second anchor

    Today after the net Sam and I went with a couple other people to put some more line on Smiley's boat. It's a big red steel motor sailer that is only afloat because it's bilge is full of concrete to plug the holes. A couple of his mooring lines are almost broken and rather than winge about it breaking free I decided to put more line on it. I hope it holds because if it breaks free it will be a tank going through the harbor.

     Then we spent the rest of the morning putting out the Fortress as a second anchor. A boat that was next to us in the new location near Red18 moved giving us more room so we put out the Fortress to the north of the boat with 40 foot of 3/8 chain and 50 or so foot of rope at about 45 deg from our previous anchor. That Fortress dug in immediately and would not budge. We used a rubber bumper as a bouy to mark it and make it easier to pull up. We are not going to move in the winds that are coming.

    Later in the afternoon and evening we spent time at the Tiki with the Tuesday jam session. One of our friends brought a keyboard and box drum so both mom and I played a little piano for folks and then I played the box drum while various people sang and played guitar. We played till dark and then we came back to the boat and had grilled cheese and tomato soup for dinner. This harbor so so amazing! it's easy to get stuck here. There is so much to do and so many wonderful people.

    I'm a little worried about Sunday through Tuesday. The winds are going to clock around to the south and west and north west before coming back to the north east. This will twist my two anchors and the rode from one of them is going to get hung up on the keel so I think I'm going to need to move one of them as we turn around. Tomorrow Sam and I are going to get water and a load of fuel before it get's nasty on Thursday. On Sunday there is going to be a low form over Key west and move across Florida and into the atlantic where it will move north along the coast like a little hurricane. It will of course go right over us.

    We have a vet appointment on Thursday at 1500 for the cat and it's going to be a wet windy ride... Lilah is not going to be happy.

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