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Date:Tue, 12 Dec 2023 03:46:00 GMT

A Storm is coming...

High winds and wind chill

     Today we fixed Sam's computer screen so we can get going on videos and did general organization. We also moved the boat anchorage from near red 16 to near red 18 for a better location for high winds. The winds are forcasted to be 25-35 knots tomorrow and rain begins Wednesday. Thursday winds are forcast for 45 with gusts perhaps to 60. We are going to put out a second anchor tomorrow just in case. But we are now in a position where no one can drag into us and we have enough room that we won't drag into anyone else. Today the winds are 25 knots so the anchor should be burrying its self deep into the mud. But with this wind it's quite chilly. The ambient temprature this evening is 68 but it feels like the 50's. I suppose this kind of wingering is lost on everyone who is in the cold north that we ran from but this is the Florida Keys! (ha ha)

     Sunday it looks like a little tropical storm is going to form an eye over Key west and it will turn into a huge storm after it crosses Florida and heads up the Atlantic coast. This is the third storm this fall that has formed there and run up the coast. We will be safe and sound in our boat. Sam and I tied down the sail covers put an extra line on the Dinghy and put it out behind the boat. We have been trying to silence the lines whipping the mast but it's not going so well.

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