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Date:Mon, 11 Dec 2023 02:14:00 GMT

Boot Key Life

Feels like coming home!

     Yesterday was the boat parade and there were dozens of decorated boats going through the harbor in a parade! It was really cool. We had a great view by marker 16 as they all came right by our boat. People did a lot of work on their boats. My favorite was a little life boat from an old cruise ship that was decorated with a tree and had a passle of kids on board! It was difficult at night to get good pictures but here's hoping you at least get an idea.
Christmas Parade boats!
More Christmas Parade boats!

     Today we had a brunch and Hannah made Waffels. Other people made Quiche and grits, and eggs and muffins, Oh my it was yummy and we got to catch up with old friends. It really feels a little like coming home. So this evening I was sitting out on the deck watching the sunset over the bridge to nowhere. It feels a little like the calm before the storm as the winds are supposed to pick up next week into the 40's and rain. There is a storm coming tonight and we are closing the hatches as Hannah cooks potato pancakes and we are having dinner! Oh yummy!
A beautiful evening in Boot Key

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