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Date:Mon, 04 Dec 2023 22:00:00 GMT

Ft. Pierce

Visiting friends.

     We arrived here safely on the 2nd and anchored south of the south bridge across the channel from the city marina. We spent the last couple days getting ready for our next off shore excursion to the Keys and visiting old friends. It was a wonderful time. It's always nice to re-new old friendships!

    We also visited ft. Pierce and went to their Christmas Parade yesterday. That was an unexpected treat! We were just there to hang out a bit and get off the boat and then found the Parade starting in an hour so we waitied. There were lots of amazing floats, trucks, bands, politicians and of course fire and police. There were little girls with batons and kids doing acrobatics. There were dance teams and churches. It was a lot of fun.

    Today we did wash, got water, planned our route, and cleaned up ourselves and the boat. Tomorrow AM we are off. We estimate Miami in 24 hours.

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