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Date:Fri, 01 Dec 2023 23:53:00 GMT

Wakes and Bridges

Some people are worse than rude

     Today was a long day. We made a little over 60 miles and anchored just south of Coco. There were lots of bridges and two of them broken. The first one only one side would lift so we had to skinny through 1/2 of the bridge with only about 20 feet wide. The next one was under construction and we had to be guided through by a little tug. We had only about 30 feet. Most of the bridges we went through were 63 feet at the tide level we were at.

    There was one power boater in a big fishing trawler with a light blue hull. It was probably a Hatteras or a Jerret Bay and about 50 feet. He was flat out and passed us throwing a 4-5 foot wake at only about 20-30 feet off our starboard side. When we and our friends complained about being tossed about he said we better wear our life jackets. Our friends reported him to the coast guard. He did the same to other boats ahead of us.

    Other than that it was a wonderful sunny day with lots of wildlife and pretty houses. The morning was a little foggy and we saw a lighthouse sticking out of the mist. The birds were low over the water and the reflections in the calm water were like looking in a mirror. It was a beautiful morning.
Sunrise in Florida

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