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Date:Wed, 23 Aug 2023 02:02:20 GMT

Day Tlsohree of Journey North

 Just off West Palm Beach 
 Hi all! 
 We're about 5 miles offshore approaching West Palm Beach. 
 Today we sailed all day.  We did three easterly tacks 
 to keep us off shore.  The wind kept pushing us back 
 toward shore about 5 degrees of of north. 
 In the gulf stream we had 4-6 foot waves with a 
 7 second period out of the north east.  winds were 
 also north east at 15g20 
 It was a nice sail.  We set the sails turned off the 
 autopilot and put the wheel to 0 and she tracked 
 straight as an arrow!  Man I love this boat. 
 We are presently single reefed in the main 
 and the genoa is also reefed.  WE are making 
 about 5 knots under reef for the evening.  Earlier 
 we were making 6-8 knots under full sail 
 I have to deal with this bilge pump so this is 
 enough for now 
Hannah Below at night

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