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Date:Fri, 11 Aug 2023 16:39:00 GMT

Last Minute stuff

Fixing what needs to be fixed...

     The last couple days has been spent cleaning up, fixing last minute stuff and preparing the boat for a passage. I got the rudder feedback unit in from Defender and put it in today. The original was a simrad RF300 that was an analog unit directly wired to the Autopilot. I replaced it with an RF25 that is NMEA2000 that way I have a rudder position indicator even if the autopilot is turned off. I had to rewire the connector to nmea2000 from simnet. I carefully soldered each wire and heat shrinked it. Then I wrapped foil around each pair of wires to separate them from the power wires (NMEAstandard) and then replaced the foil around the entire bundle. Then I put heat shrink around that and finally wrapped it entirely with self sealing stretch poly tape. It looks nice and works great. I tested it this morning and re-aligned the rudder and auto pilot. Then I pulled out all the old wire going to the auto pilot and put back everything I had pulled out. You have to empty both lazzerettes in order to get access to the rudder feedback and the auto pilot.

     Then I started working on the tachometer and broken glass on the engine instruments. I replaced the polycarbonate/lexan and put in new machine screws and nuts rather than the original wood screws cut off. I got a used tachometer that worked for a few tries but then died again. It's hour meter didn't work either. So I'll have to order an new tachometer and I think I'm going to get a separate hour meter as well. For the time being I proved that the alternator is working for a tach sending unit. My alternator is very old and I priced a new one at $450 and it has to come from France. It's about 8 weeks out.

     I'd like to go for a test sail this weekend before we leave but it depends on how well I can clean up the boat by my self. I'm getting itchy feet to be back on the water. It feels like forever since we were on the open water. I can't wait! We are planning on extended off shore this time so I will be testing the remote blogging feature I programmed. Everything should still work. ha ha... we will see. enough for now. I'm off heading for a shower and lunch.

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