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Date: Sun, 6 Aug 2023 03:16:00 GMT

Still... um...

Just when you say you're ready to go you arn't

     So as we were preparing to head north we found that the rudder position feedback unit decided to die. So I couldn't check the autopilot. I have one on order. Also as you know our VHF radio died but iCom fixed it very quickly and it cam in the mail just a couple of days ago. This morning I put it in and tested it. All is well on that front. I have suspicions about our depth guage now as well and will be looking into it. When the new rudder feedback unit comes in I'll be able to test the autopilot.

     All is peaceful and quiet in Boot key and the weather is hot but fabulous. I went to visit the Vinyard congregation on Big Pine Key this evening with friends and had a wonderful time. They have quite the band there. Very professional.

     I did a little work on electronics on another boat in the harbor and I'll do a little more tomorrow.

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