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Date:Sun, 30 Apr 2023 04:58:00 GMT

Fun Weekend

Visiting and helping

     The last couple days we have had friends over to the boat to have Belizian beans and rice cooked in coconut milk and home made tortillas. I helped Three different folks with electrical problems, spent the day with Moral Compass. It was Brads birthday so we binged The Good Place and ate lunch at Burdines.
     We heard there was going to be rain tomorrow so we tightened up the boat and took down the Sun shade and put the cushions inside the boat and are ready for a storm. It is supposed to start tomorrow morning. The weather is getting pretty hot now and very humid. I can see that if we don't get out of here soon the storms will be in our way very regularly. I still don't have word on my exhaust elbow and we are getting worried about it.
     I have purchased an anchor from Diesel Dan and it should be a better storm anchor. We have a Fortress 37 and this is larger I think a 45. We are trying to be ready to leave so that when the exhaust elbow comes in we will be out of here quickly. We will miss our new found friends and hope to see them in the future.
     We did get a response on our signal flags. Someone asked Sam if we were ok because one of the flags was a quaranteen flag. The combination of the two flags is asking to communicate but they were worried about us being sick perhaps. I was surprised that any one even noticed. Now it's time for bed...

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