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Date:Mon, 24 Apr 2023 02:45:00 GMT

Sunday Fun Day

Pancake Breakfasts with friends.

     This morning Mango Sky, Intrepid, and Suprise came over for the morning net because Suprise's radio was acting up. So Hannah made Pancakes for everyone and we sat around and talked till noon!
     Ryan, Randy, and I hoisted the Top Jib to check it out and have a look at it. It is some kind of offshore heavy Asymetrical Spinaker and says as much on the label, but it is cut like a top jib. Ryan has never seen one like this before and is going to ask some of his family about it. I'm still not sure of the proper way to fly it.
     Then I went over to help Moral Compass with an electrical problem and we disconnected his solar charger which died and hooked up his Generator to charge his batteries. After that I went to help Suprise with their radio. It was a but fun day. We sat all evening visiting with Beth and Randy and their dogs and watched the sunset over the bridge to nowhere.
     Now, Hannah is making dinner and I'm checking email before bed. And tomorrow is another day in Paradise! It was hot today and barely any wind. Oh, I finished epoxying the wheel today as well so it's all sealed up proper. Now I have to sand a little more and put on poly top coat.

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