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Date: Sun, 9 Apr 2023 04:34:00 GMT


Good Friend and Good Food.

     So Wednesday night we did passover on the boat. We cooked for 8 and had two couples over. It was wonderful! We had Cod fried in Matza with beet horshradish we made here. We had Hannah's Matza ball soup and then made bowls with salad fixings and chicken. Then we rosted Lamb in the oven for 4 hours and had a real lamb shank. We cooked it in 1/2 bottle red wine with lots of spices rubbed on the Lamb and carrots and onions. It was wonderful. Hannah made Key lime pie with almond flour and pecans for crust for dessert. It was a wonderful evening. Our friends from Suprise and Tom and Kim came over at around 1900 and we finished up around midnight. This was our first passover meal cooked on the boat and it went much better than we expected!
     A few days ago we were working with the deck wash raw water and the hose came loose under the V berth and filled the boat with probably 200 gal of water very quickly. So we turned everything off pumped it out and turned off the through hull. So today Sam and I took it all apart and put in new hose removeing a bunch of old fittings that were stacked on top of eachother. Then after we got it back together the pressure switch on the pump failed. I tried to rebuild it 2 or 3 times but it just will not work so tomorrow I'm going to go back to the store and buy a washdown pump. I think ultimately it failed because it overpressured the lines. But in any case we had to take everything out from the v-berth to get to it and we'll have to do it again tomorrow. We also found out that one of the fittings from the through hull to the pump is made of iron and I couldn't get it off. I don't want to break off the through hull trying so we're going to have to leave it in place untill we're out of the water.
     We have been enjoying the harbor here and I guess I've gotton lazy about this blog as we have settled in. But I'll try to do better. Sam's computer is being repaired so the youtube videos are delayed. I guess we'll have to post more pictures here because of that. Please bear with us folks! We'll be back online soon!

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