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Date: Mon, 18 Sep 2023 23:28:00 GMT

Haul Out

Cutlass Bearing

     Today we hauled the boat out and started working. The first thing we noticed was that the centerboard was a little low. When we put the chain in the adjustment was just a little bit off. So I had to lift it with the manual wrench about 6 inches. We had to loosen the head stay to get it on the travel lift. This required loosening the backstay to relieve pressure and then pulling the pin on the roller furling. We also had to let the Genoa down to relieve weight on the front.
Moving to the yard

     After the boat was put on stands Sam and I started working on taking the shaft and propeller apart so that we can replace the cutless bearing. This took most of the afternoon. First we broke loose the nuts and the propeller on the tapered shaft, then we seperated the halves of the shaft and then finally we removed the stuffing box so that we can press out the shaft tube and bearing. After we get that out then we can pull the shaft. Hopefully we will do that tomorrow.
Seperating the drive shaft halves
The prop is loose now and ready to come off

     We also heard from the yard that we will be here more than a week but the hotel is booked solid for the weekend so I'm not sure where we will stay friday and saturday night. Also the hotel is only paid till the end of the week.

     Pete also came by to look at our through hulls for the knot log and the depth sounder. Also we are putting in a new hand held mike as an extension for the icom VHF radio.

     I was suprised how much ablative paint was left on the boat after 3 years. We will have to either sand it off or blast it off before we can put down new hard paint. We have decided on the dark red trinidad hard paint. I'm back at the hotel now and will start again in the morning. I think we will start with the through hulls tomorrow morning. good night folks

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