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Date: Fri, 27 Jan 2023 03:05:00 GMT

Key West

Playing Tourist and investigating a new anchorage

     This morning we got up before dawn and left that boat at 6:30 headed for the bus stop. Sam brought us to the dock and Hannah and I walked with some friends to the bus stop where we picked up the south keys shuttle to Key west at 07:30. It is about a 1 1/2 hour ride for $4.00 each way. The bus stops just south of the marina about 1/4 mile on the west side of the road right by the police station. They accept exact change only in cash or you can use an App. The ride was pleasant and we got so see a lot of the road and keys inbetween. The old bridge is in very bad condition and collapsing. Just before pidgen key it is still maintained. But after that it's really interesting to look at how it is weathering. There were many people that appeared to be commuting on the bus. We met an interesting man from France who is here on a Catamaran.
     When we arrived in Key west we stayed on the bus all the way to the waterfront by duval street. We immediately went to the dockmaster to get rates and talk about where to anchor. We also looked out at the choppy water and how far the boats were out. It did not look pleasant out there but the water was very clear and calm near the docks. There were a couple old wooden schooners that were docked there for charters that were really amazing. Then we went to find breakfast. We ate at Kermit's and had a typical 2 egg breakfast with meat, toast and fruit with pancakes and key lime syrup. After breakfast we went into the store to see all their key lime products. It's actually quite amazing. There was lime hot sauce to key lime soap, peanuts, jellybeans and more. They will even ship pies to you. I had no idea how many items could be made with key lime. Everything in the store was green and yellow. You need to check out this store if you come to key west. They also have frozen key lime pie on a stick dipped in white or standard chocolate. Kinda like a big key lime klondike bar with more chocolate. Then we had hand made ice cream and eventually some really nice coffee. We walked by the Little White house from Truman, The banyon tree house, the first Pan-Am office, and up and down Duval street looking at all the shops. It was pretty busy even for a Thursday morning. And people were drinking early. There were buy one get one free Mamosas for breakfast. We caught the 14:13 bus and made it back to the Marina around 16:00. In the evening Hannah and I did the wash and we listened to the jam session that is every Thursday night at the Marina. It was a long day. We just finished some beef stew and we're getting ready for bed now.

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