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Date:Sat, 26 Aug 2023 06:47:00 GMT

Good Friends

Back in St. Augustine!

     Today we spent the day getting organized and cleaned up. After 4 days offshore we were pretty tired and needed a good shower. Then in the afternoon we spent time with friends and went out to eat in St. Augustine. We are planning our continued trip north. There are two storms coming that might put us at risk and we're trying to find a good location to ride out these storms. One is coming up the west side of Florida and is projected to cross the state right were we are and then go up the east coast. The other is sitting off shore and is a developing huricane that is projected to hit the carolina coast and then maybe go up to Maine. The boat looks wonderful from the waterfront but up close you can see that the bright work did not fair very well. As you know we have been testing various formulations of varnish and poly. The Poly is holding up well but the varnish is not. Poly on top of varnish is doing ok but varnish on top of poly is flaking off. However the grey decks look great and the two tone color is striking. On our way in the engine blew a water hose and nearly overheated!! I always check the bilge before bed and it was full of water. I found the fresh water leak on the lower side of the heat exchanger with a hose that had been over tightned over years and was splitting under pressure near the back side of a hose clamp. So this morning Sam and I removed the hose, cut off 1/2 inch and re-attached it. All is well. I suppose I need to have a complete set of spare engine hoses on the boat. I also found that the fan belts are eating them selves up. I think it's bad pulleys. I'll have to fix that in North Carolina.

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