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Date:Tue, 19 Oct 2021 12:55 GMT

Reunited with our Truck and the work begins

     We were re-united with our F250 today and after it sat for several weeks the battery was dead but the Dockmaster had put a charger on it for us yesterday! Wonderful Marina. So we drove into the city today to find a battery to replace our dead one. I found a type 94 AGM that fits perfectly. Now it's time to figure out why it's not charging. That will be tomorrow. The day was spent today recovering and getting organized. We will need a reverse Y connector for 2 30 amp to 1 50 amp service to get shore power working and possibly some re-design of our wiring system. We also need to work on the Genoa to make sure it furls correctly. I will try to post some of the work we are doing but I don't suppose anyone is going to get excited about replacing a battery. So more tomorrow. Good night.

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