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Date: Monday, 18 Oct 2021 00:58 GMT

Breakfast time for birds

     Today was cool with a strong north wind. We motored from the anchorage at 07:15 and made it to the Marina by 17:00. The morning was full of birds. It was breakfast for them I guess, there were thousands diving and sitting on the water or circling the boat. We motored down the Pungo river till we got to the Pamlico river and then to the sound. It was and easy beautiful day. We took the cut through the sand bar into the mouth of the Neuse river. Then we raised the Genny and the mizzen and sailed into the mouth of Clubfoot creek where Matthews point marina is located. When we tried to furl the Genny once again it stuck and it was a very frustrating 30 minutes getting it put in. I'm not sailing again till I figure out what the problem is. I think it's the length of the pennant at the top that we need to work on. But finally we did get it in. The Creek is a narrow shallow channel and we drug bottom at 5 1/2 feet 3 times before reaching the dock. Andy, Buck and Ben helped us tie up and guided us into the slip. Everyone was wonderfully friendly. Tonight we sleep tomorrow we look for a 50 amp reverse y connector and a new battery for the engine. We made it!!!

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