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Date: Sunday, 17 Oct 2021 01:17 GMT

Long Straight Canals

     Today was pleasant with calm winds and lots of autopilot through straight canals. We got underway at 8 AM. There were lots of power boats. It was a beautiful slow day with lots of wonderful scenery. Sam made Tuna Melts (grilled tuna and cheese) for lunch. When we approached the Alligator to Pungo river cut/canal we thought about wheather or not to anchor or continue. We decided to gamble that we could make it before dark. It worked out ok and we arrived and anchored at 1802. At 1900 the storm hit and winds picked up to 25 knots. We ate dinner with the boat rocking. Then Hannah made chocolate chip cookies. Since we made it through the canal we might make the Neuse river by tomorrow. We noticed areas where we anchored and where we ran aground 20 years ago. It was very interesting to see and remember. We saw two sailboats that were run aground. One we heard first on the radio calling for help. A couple hours later we saw Towboat US coming to get them. When we anchored we saw the same boats from the previous anchorage or along the way, Natural Magic, and Gratitude.

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