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Date:Thur, 21 Oct 2021 12:55 GMT


     The last few days have been spent working on the boat. This will continue for a while. Our To-Do list is expanding by the moment. It is a boat, you know. We've got the charging going after finding blown fuses and the shore power cables should arrive today from Defender. Sam and I moved the pennants on the Genoa so that we an furl and un furl it properly but there is still work to be done. I've put together a work list on the computer and we are attacking it one day at a time. For now it is good to be at a safe location where we can relax for a bit and get organized. We will be starting youtube and patreon accounts and probably a go-fund me for the restoration project. This boat is one of only 8 produced by Hinckley and deserves to be restored and preserved.

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