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Date: Tues, 12 Oct 2021 01:37 GMT

Goodbye and continue south

     We said our goodbye's and took our friends to the dock in the dinghy. Then we decided to get fuel and water etc but the dock was busy so we opted to continue... Who needs extra fuel? Anyway at about 11am we headed out of Solomon's Island and turned south toward the Potomac river. There was (of course) a small craft advisory and it was pretty windy and the waves were 3-5 feet. It was a long tiring day but lots of fun. The cockpit stayed amazingly dry though there was quite a bit of wave action on the fore deck. We rocked quite a bit before we turned south into the following sea when things mellowed out. The B&G display rebooted in the middle of a turn and we lost helm for about 30 seconds. It was pretty disturbing and we ended up broadside to the waves. We had to make a full loop before the helm was restored. We saw a pretty cool wreck at the mouth of the Potomac and a large cargo ship called us on the radio after seeing our AIS. We were trying to hug the starboard side of the channel but he wanted that side and asked to pass starboard to starboard. there were lots of birds on the water and pelicans followed us for a while. The food/can drawer opened while rocking and one small drawer in the V-berth also fell out. Sam and I fixed it underway and no more problems. We think a can rolled and hit the latch on the drawer. I was afraid we would be sick but amazingly not. The motion of this heavy full keel is wonderful slow and easy. When we arrived at the mouth of the river there were several people anchored right in the bay. We decided to move up the Mill Creek and anchored in a beautiful little protected wide spot about 2 bends up in 10 feet of water. There were 4 other boats there but plenty of room. Hannah made grilled cheese sandwitches and soup and banana bread. We are amazed about how much fuel and water this boat holds and the generator is wonderful.

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