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Date: Wed, 13 Oct 2021 01:14 GMT

Full Sails Ahead

     We got up at 7 and were leaving Mill Creek for Norfolk at 9am. On the radio another ship called us as they were leaving and asked us if we were AYC (Annopolis Yacht Club) headed south. We motored out to the bay and about 11am hoisted all the sails into a following sea with a small craft advisory and 15-20 out of the North East. We ran for about 4 hours making from 5-8.5 knots. At one point we jibed into a wing and wing but it was difficult to maintain so after about 30 minutes we started the engines brought in the sails. We knew that we wern't going to make Norfolk so we headed for the Severn River off of MobJack Bay to anchor. We were passed by a beautiful topsail schooner of about 60 feet and felt like we were in a time machine. There were sailing boats both behind and ahead of us and we did very well. As we were motoring in a porpoise jumped up by our starboard side. When we got to the river to anchor it was about 1800. We made three attempts to anchor and ran aground twice. The ground here is muddy, filled with shellfish and very uneven. We had chicken salad sandwiches and banana bread for lunch and dinner was baked potatoes olives and cheese with the remains of the fudge for desert. Now with everything put to bed and the sails covered we are having tea and preparing for bed. It was a blustery day and is raining still lightly. Tomorrow morning we are going to get up early and find a marina for fuel and water and a pumpout. We are all tired but in great spirits
Under full sails
Grace under full sail
Steve and Sam in the cockpit
Steve and Sam in the cockpit
Machine Schooner
Time Traveling Schooner

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