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Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 01:21:03 GMT

Pulling cable

     Today Sam and I pulled ethernet cable from the aft lazzerette to the nav station under shelves behind heads around corners and then made an anderson powerpole distribution bridge for the POE and cisco router. We also took apart and tightened up the shifter and throttle in the binicle. Then while we had everything apart we put screws in to hold the B&G chart plotter t-12 into the Navipod. When taking the navipod apart we found the screws had an allen head with a pin in the center for a special tool so we got out the dremmel and made the screws into flat heads. In the evening we ran out of water and my mother asked why there was a machine sound coming from the stern. It was the water pump running dry with no pressure. I need to fix that so it turns off if there is no water. And in that process I tried to turn on the deck lights to fill the water and found there is a short in the switch and it blows the fuse. It did this once before but I wasn't sure what was wrong. Now I am. Then this evening we found more condensation under the forward vberth cushions, but in that process we found a cubby we didn't no existed and in it we found a dinghy anchor! yea! presents. I guess we still need to do a full inventory Today was a beautiful day in the 70's but rain is coming Sunday so we put the covers back over the cockpit in preparation. Tomorrow we are going to the Christmas craft fair/farmers market in Beaufort.

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