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Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2021 23:01:54 GMT

Christmas Market

     This morning I took a coding test for a job programming. Then Sam and I worked on the short in the mast light circuit. We can't find it at the moment but we have a few leads. one of the switches is shorting. I think it's wired wrong. I think it's putting electricity in reverse polarity into the lights on the mast. I hope it hasn't blown the lights up there but I'm afraid it has. We put the panel back together and went to the last farmers market of the year after going to Lidel's shopping. It's a wonderful craft fair at Beaufort. I think it's better than the craft fair at Reelfoot lake. It's smaller but the items for sale and the interesting crafts are better. There's lots of handmade jewelry and art. There is woodworking and knitting and of course lots of good foot and usually some form of musical entertainment. This time there was a sextet of christmas singers. When we returned to the boat Lilah was being very brave and after our dinner of split pea soup which was cooking while we were away she went out into the cockpit and onto the deck by herself... this is a first. Now I'm not sure we'll be able to keep her in. Then this evening I went looking for that damn leak on the gray water tank as it's back again. It is fresh water this time so it must come from filling the tanks. There are water tanks under the settee and I think it might be coming from there. I'll have to take the other seat apart tomorrow. I took one apart today but couldn't see the top of the tank. Looking under the floor I think I can see the line that comes off the tank and I think it's wet but it's really difficult to tell. Well it's late and we had a full day so it's off to bed I go...

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