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Date: Wed, 15 Dec 2021 01:30:46 GMT

Clean up and Caulk

     I guess this is a maintenance blog...Anyway, Monday and Tuesday was caulking day. There is so much and you have to wait for it to dryout on good days. But back to the leak on top of the gray water tank. I can't find where the water is coming from. I've fixed 3 different leaks that could have been contributing to the water on top of that tank but to no avail. There must be a leak in a hose under the engine between the sink and the aft of the engine. I just don't know. But it's pretty clean water. I also finished off the stripped screws in the forward starboard portlight. I filled them with epoxy and tapped them again. I found an old tap and die set under a pipe in the aft hanging locker up against a wall and the venier was peeling off so I glued it down and it's sitting now with a 2 gal water jug on it for a clamp. Today also Hannah and I went to the post office to get a P.O. box. Sam spent the day trying to get a video of us working on the port light edited and uploaded to the net. We are going to get a vlog going on youtube as soon as we can get the editing down. We have two videos so far. So stay tuned for that! A couple of people on the dock here left today to head south to Florida for the winter. We might leave as well but I really want to get the spreader and the exhaust done first as well as the charging issues. One step at a time.

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