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Date:Wed, 30 Sep 2021 04:13:00 GMT

Stocking up

     Today was shopping day. We are stocking up for the trip with food and supplies and then of course finding a place to put everything. You have to learn a new boat and where everything is located. Organization is paramount. Hannah spent 1/2 the day just putting things away in every available cubby hole. We went to get our old Italian fire extinguishers re-filled. We will pick them up tomorrow ($18 each). Then I spent the afternoon tapping a new screw into the mast for the tuff track. I still have two more screws to tap. Tapping stainless 1 inch deep is quite the process. It's slow going. And even then I broke 1 tap. But I did get one screw in. Tomorrow I need to buy two more stainless screws and a get a spare tap incase I break another one. Hannah made fried burritos for dinner.

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