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Date:Wed, 29 Sep 2021 03:47:00 GMT

Third Post

     Well we made it to Blackhole creek and are docked. When we were leaving the Ship yard the transmission linkage was out of adjustment and we had to wait a couple hours for it to be fixed. After a lot of fear and nail biting we found out the terrible noises were not a broken transmission. We said our good byes and pulled her out of the slip and started heading for Blackhole creek where we had a dock for a few days to outfit for the trip south. We do have pictures that will be posted but at the moment we are still getting organized. Docking was terrifying. After 20 years of not sailing it actually went pretty well. We circled the dock twice to get the right angle then coasted in and with some yelling and mistakes we got her docked. We will do better each time. Knowing how to do something and doing it are different things! Sam was jumping to the dock. I was steering and Hannah was throwing lines and tying bumpers. After getting our wits about us again Hannah called for an Uber and I went to pick up our car which was left there. We walked for about 20 min through the forest waiting for Uber to arrive. It was a nice walk on shady lane. After returning with the car Hannah made dinner. We had sparkling cider, Chicken soup, crackers, and maple cookies. After dinner Sam and Hannah and I played Gin Rummey for about 2 hours. Hannah won. Her strategy was to get as many points as possible so she picked up the pile often. Melodi called and we chatted on the phone for an hour or so. I'm now in fixit mode... All I see is projects, but we are here and we are still in the honeymoon phase of boat ownership. The new name "Grace" looks beautiful on the transom!
Sailing 1
Grace Sailing 1
Sailing 2
Grace Sailing 2

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