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Date:Wed, 28 Sep 2021 17:29:00 GMT

Second Post

     Well we made it to Maryland and are on the boat at Gibson Island, MD. We are taking pictures which we will post soon. Yesterday was Stephen's Birthday and also our first night on the boat. Everything is a mess and we are trying to get everything ready for the trip south. We will be staying for a few days here in Maryland, but moving the boat to a private dock in Pasadena. We hope to do that this afternoon or evening. Of course there's a 50% chance of thunderstorms this evening so we're off to a typical start for us. Sam is with us and is in the aft cabin. Hannah and I are in the V berth.
As with any boat there are several things that need to be fixed before we leave and we have to find homes for everything. See, there are two rules that are definately in conflict. 1 save everything and keep spares for everything. 2 It's a small place and if you bring something on the boat then something must leave the boat. So do we store spare boat parts and tools or do we store food. Constant conflict.
This will be our first sail alone from Gibson Island to Pasadena. It's been about 20 years since we sailed so this should be fun. And with a new boat. We really should record this for youtube so everyone can laugh at us but I think the three of us will be a little too busy for that. We'll catch you all later.

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