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Date: Sat, 09 Oct 2021 02:26 GMT

Backing in and water

     I woke up early at about 4am and had a difficult time going back to sleep. It was a beautiful calm morning and I used the mop to swab the deck with saltwater and cleaned off all the dew. At about 7am we ate breakfast and pulled up the anchor. We were the second boat of 5 to depart the anchorage. The wind was dead calm and we motored the entire way to Solomons island arriving around 16:00. About half way there I had a feeling I should check under the floor and sure enough the hot water had blown a seal. Water spurted up the the ceiling and all over everything. I turned off the electric water pump and cleaned up. We continued to motor. While researching the problem Sam found that these seals typically blow at about 4-5 years and it's irritating to folks who own them. We also re-calibrated the knot log on the old B&G hercules 2000. It was a bit obscure because it was from 20 years ago but we figured it out. Everyone got a chance to steer and play with the autopilot. When we arrived we tried to anchor 3 different times but the anchor would not set. So we took a berth at a marina and of course they made me back in! It was my first time and I was terrified but I tried not to show it and worked it slowly. In we went with no trouble. I must say I love the bow thrusters!. Afterwards I got an UBER to ace hardware and bought some pipe fittings to put in a valve to turn off the water input. We had fried burritos and calliflower for dinner and then went to schmoose with people. Sam went to the pool. Tomorrow we are hosting a coupld friends for the night before heading on to Norfolk.
Backed into a marina Solomons Island
Grace Backed in for the first time

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