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Date: Thurs, 07 Oct 2021 23:10:00 GMT

And it Begins!

     This morning we got up at 7am and went to make one final run to the store. At about 9am we started getting every last minute thing put away and prepared for our journey. We left at 12:30 after saying our goodbys to our new found best friends. They have been the most wonderful hosts and have helped us beyond measure. We owe them lots for their help and letting us stay at their dock. We hope to be back up here next year to go sailing with them.
Then off to the Magothy marina for a top off of fuel and water. Docking was a little difficult as the winds were blowing us at a weird angle but we managed without looking too bad. We then motored out the Magothy river beause the winds were direct head winds and too light to sail. Then down under the Annapolis bridge and south to a little anchorage on the Rhode river. The Rhode River Bite anchorage is very pleasant. There were three other boats here when we arrived. We planned some hand signals so we didn't look like we didn't know what we were doing and made a little circle, then dropped the anchor, pulled it tight and turned on the Generator to cook dinner. It was a beautiful warm autumn day in the mid 70's with winds light and variable out of the south south west. Sea was calm barometer 30.02. We experimented with the chart plotter and autopilot a little bit making our first "route" but it took us straight through the cargo ship anchorage so we had to deviate. We're in good spirits and it's time for dinner, Chile Mac! I'll post a couple pictures after dinner. Ciao.
Taking a Nap underway
Sam Taking a nap

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